Thursday, 03 January 2008

Another year has gone...

...and 2007 was without a question a very exiting one!

From 29.12.2007

As almost every year I celebrated my birthday between Christmas and New Years Eve. Thanks to everybody who attended and for all the great presents, I hope I will be able to get them all to South Africa. Thanks also for all the wishes via email etc. I really appreciate it.

I hope everybody enjoyed the evening (I most certainly did), I am already planning to have something similar in South Africa sometime in January, but outside ;o)

All the pictures (thanks to Silke) can be found HERE (Including a little Bremen City tour with Andreas and Julian who stayed over).


Anonymous said...

Hi Benni,

alles gut in SA?

Beste Geb-Wünsche nachträglich und einen guten Start ins neue 2008!

PS: Deine Freundin? ;-)

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