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The weekend before Easter we travelled once again to Durban, Thelo’s cousin Simishka was getting married. This time we drove down, a 6-7 hours trip. Once again the weather seemed to be miserable (as always when I went to Durban), with rain on the first and the wedding day, however the Sunday turned out to be a sunny one. The wedding was stunning, this time I know what to expect, but I enjoy being exposed to all the differences to what I am used to.
Have a look at the pictures here:
...and 2007 was without a question a very exiting one!
As almost every year I celebrated my birthday between Christmas and New Years Eve. Thanks to everybody who attended and for all the great presents, I hope I will be able to get them all to South Africa. Thanks also for all the wishes via email etc. I really appreciate it. I hope everybody enjoyed the evening (I most certainly did), I am already planning to have something similar in South Africa sometime in January, but outside ;o)All the pictures (thanks to Silke) can be found HERE (Including a little Bremen City tour with Andreas and Julian who stayed over).

Before my departure to Germany Thelo and I made a short trip to the Emeralds Casino resort. Enjoying 33 degrees celsius (I am currently having -2) we had a very relaxing time enjoying the resort and it's animals.
I am still not a big fan of gambling (except poker) and always surprised how popular the casinos are in South Africa, especially the one armed bandits. Even at 4 in the morning (e.g. at Montecasino) the machines are packed. Anyway we took some pictures, have a look in my ALBUM.
Thelo has moved in, it's a lovely place. Still a few things to do, but we are already enjoying it:
All the pics can be found HERE.
Alle Jahre wieder kommt nicht nur der Weihnachtsmann, sondern auch mein Geburtstag. Wie in jedem Jahr werde ich auch kommende woche wieder eine kleine feier veranstalten, diesmal am Freitag, 28.12.2007.
Wo: Richtpad 16 in Lilienthal
Wann: so ab acht...
Bitte um kurze Rueckmeldung wer kommt und falls eine uebernachtung organisiert werden muss.
CU next week!
P.S. ab Montag bin ich unter 04298/3394 oder 0175-1195290 zu erreichen. Back to South Africa 09.01.2008.A happy festive season and all the best for 2008 to everybody!
…or how to eat a lot of spicy food in 3 days.
Vinnys wedding was on the 15th of December, so we made our way to Durban to enjoy a relaxing long weekend (17th December was a public holiday). The wedding was very interesting, my first Indian one. Very colourful and lots of people (around 500 I’d say). The rest of the weekend was very very relaxed, unfortunately the weather was not too nice, so we did some Christmas shopping and met with friends or thelo’s family.
Some pictures can be found here:
Vinasen is getting married this weekend, so of course there had to be a bachelors ("Junggesellenabschied"). For one night we (about 20 people) drove to warmbaths, about 2 hours away from Johannesburg and known for its warm springs and temperatures where Kevin (Vinny's brother) had organised a few chalets for us.The highlights included some soccer and cricket matches, exquisite cooking skills of kingston (that beans were hot man...) and nigey, some lovely cookies and of course lots of drinking (about 95% of the group was Indian, what else would you expect :o) )To check out a few pictures (courtesy of Alan) click HERE.Thelo and I are going to fly down to Durban this weekend for the wedding, I am very much looking forward to it (my first Indian wedding, and they are usually big) as well as a long weekend because Monday is a public holiday. And less than a week later I will board the plane to good old Germany...